Friday, April 20, 2012

Bring 'em Back From the Dead

There are those Presidents who, when they served as chief executive, really made a difference for this country.

If I could bring back one president from the dead, it'd have to be Richard Nixon.

I mean, look at what great things he did for this country! He..... did nothing... Though I know for FACT that he participated in the Salem Witch Trials!!!!!

Other than that.....

"I am not a crook."

Sure you aren't...


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Annoying Titles

Now I'm sure you've all noticed that my titles aren't really what the post is about, and it can often get quite annoying.

And now for the grand finale....

For the sake of yous that were FREAKED out by the LARGE picture, I have now made it smaller...

Yeah... I look pretty fat...


Oh dang it. For the most part of this blog post the title had nothing to do with it!!!

Star Testing

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