Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to ME!

So as you all might have forgotten, this PAST Tuesday (March 6) was my birthday.

Thanks for forgetting.(?)

So anyways, Mom woke up early that day and made me a breakfast of sausage with biscuits and gravy. SO DELICIOUS!

Then I went to school. I got two delicious Kit Kats from Emily (DELICIOUS). Got a free Sour Lemonade lollipop. YUM. [It actually was delicious, the only problem was that it stings when you have a bunch of cuts in your mouth from the DENTIST prodding around in your mouth with a needle and drawing pictures of butterflies ("Ooooh, a butterfly," - Marina) in the roof of your mouth and trying to hurt you]. You'd better be reading this Matthew, cause this is some GREAT advice for when YOU become... I don't remember what it's called. Anyways... what ruined everything was that the dentist said I had 3 cavities. So I punched him in the face. (not really) Luckily, 2 of them weren't my fault, which I personally think means it was HIS fault because he failed to notice it earlier!

Sooooo... we went back home after that and had my (not) birthday dinner of REAL homemade macaroni and cheese, not the FAKE Kraft version. And I opened my wonderful present from Danny and Lena, a beginners engineering set.

Four days later...

We ACTUALLY celebrated my birthday (cause Dad wasn't there on Tuesday). That night we had Creamy Pea Sauce (LOVE IT!), and for dessert we had Chocolate Mousse Pie (LOVE IT!).

I got money from my grandma's and a wonderful memory foam pillow!!!

Then we watched my new favorite show: Once Upon a Time.

I had just woken up, so don't insult my hair.


(Danny and Lena's present)

Beginner's Engineering Kit

Thank you, Emily


John Steinbeck

My new best friend... (?)
Birthday. LOVED IT!


  1. John Steinbeck?? You're such a goofy kid. Haha, loved the post!

  2. Glad your birthday was so fun. Thanks for making my birthday fun too!!
