Aaaaaaaah! I'm in
so much pain. Well, actually, it's not that bad.
Yesterday, I got my wisdom teeth taken out by Dr. Tyko of 1174 Montgomery Drive (though normally I would get Dr. Tolin (but he just HAD to break his wrist which brought him into retirement). Earlier this summer we met and set up an appointment to have them {all 6 [apparently I have 2 EXTRAS (as five is already pretty crazy)]} taken out, and now it's happened! Yesterday I woke up at 7:10 a.m., took a shower, and drove over to his office {with my mom's iPod [because mine doesn't have any music on it (I forgot to load some)]}, arriving at about 8:05. We checked in and then they took me to a room, gave me an oxygen mask (which had some very interesting smelling oxygen), and then gave me an IV (and of course I hate getting needles shoved into my arm). As it has always seemed to be in my family, you listen to one song on your iPod (or I guess your mom's...), and before you know it, you're out: I listened to "Now or Never" (for all you High School Musical fans), and I wasn't even halfway through the song before I was out.
So later I woke up in another room (which always gives you that weird feeling because you don't know what's happened to you in the past hour) with a bunch of gauze stuffed in my mouth to soak up the blood coming from my gums. My mom was there, holding my hand (so nice of her and so comforting), and then a nurse came in and gave me an X-ray to check for that sixth tooth (because apparently they only pulled out 5?!?), but apparently there were only five total... :(.
We headed back home {with a nice little "care package" from the office [with some more gauze, an (empty) water bottle, some chap stick, and a Juice Shack certificate for a free regular size smoothie (yum!)]}, but first we had to stop at CVS Pharmacy to pick up a prescription (painkillers) that Dr. Tyko requested for me. After that, we ACTUALLY went home, where I was ordered to the couch, where I had to sit all day and watch TV. Every twenty minutes I would switch switch between five packages of peas (which I would press against my cheeks to reduce swelling)--every ten minutes (during the twenty minute sessions) I would alternate from cheek to cheek with the pea bags--and then every forty minutes I would have to replace my gauze [which again my mom helped do (so kind of her!)], and then every 6 hours I had to take those pills, and let me just say, those things do stuff to you: I literally had like the happiest, most relaxed day (it's those pills!). During this time I watched 5 episodes of a 14-episode BBC TV mini-series,
Little Dorrit (which is EXCELLENT and I think you all ought to watch),
Phineas and Ferb, and
Wizards of Waverly Place. I also ate some scrambled eggs and drank some beef broth. Then that night I had this really delicious crock pot chicken (the recipe was given to us by my brother and his wife) and then watched the Apple Keynote, "Introducing iPhone 4S" (CEO Tim Cook's first keynote) (probably my favorite keynote address, along with WWDC 2011 and WWDC 2012) from October 4, 2011 (the day before Steve Jobs died) (WHY AM I MENTIONING THIS???). And then while watching a few episodes of Monk, I accidentally pulled out a few stitches from my gum, but after calling the office today we found out that everything's okay.
Anyways, yesterday was a pretty lazy day...
Ok, now for some pics!!!
Here's me with the pea bag rubber banded to my face so that I could use both hands freely. Please excuse my awful hair. |
Here's how I'd normally hold the bag of peas to my face. Again, please excuse my awful hair. |
Oh yeah, and I also made myself some gourmet ice cream with some Original Moose Tracks form Safeway.
And then here are some pictures of my teeth!
As you can see, the tooth on the right is actually two teeth that were naturally fused together, which is really unusual but really cool. |
Here's a picture of the other two teeth, broken into pieces. |
Here's a tooth with some gum still in it. |
And then here's all the teeth together! Yay! |
Yes, and as Matthew (or I guess his plaque) would say, "Don't forget to floss!"