Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I Might Have Forgotten to Mention...

I would've said it sooner but...

I GOT MY BRACES OFF!!!!!!!!!!(?)

This past Monday I walked into the orthodontist's office. They set me down in a chair, and checked me out.

All clear, so they set me up to take off my braces. With a few yanks with some pliers that I'm sure they found behind that dumpster on Main St., my braces were off and things were as smooth as can be.

Sorry about the random picture placement. I'm sure you'll be able to determine what came first and how the story goes...
Yank! "Ahhhhh... It's like a massage in my mouth."

"CARAMELS!!! I haven't had these in like, TWO YEARS!!!!!"
My smile's too sexy for you.
"I'm SOOOOO angry!"
Add caption

"Get outta my face, lady! This picture's about ME!"

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