This Friday at Slater we had a Renaissance Rally, which is basically where (once each quarter) the school meets in the gym and we are allowed to scream.
One thing I like is that they hand out lots of rewards/prizes to various people; the prizes are handed out to few who are "randomly" selected from each report card status category (White: because that person's dumb, Red: just cause you came to school (?), Silver: because you try your best, Gold: straight A's, and (for SOME 8th graders), Solid Gold: straight A's every quarter that you've been at Slater).
What I hate is that some people (?) get a prize for being DUMB (white card).(?) I think only people who try (and do well) deserve prizes!!!!!
Anyways, because I'm Solid Gold, every quarter at the rally other Solid Gold students and I always get a prize (usually just some what I care about is that I have to be honored by the other students who didn't get Solid Gold, at whom us Solid Golders tend to laugh at... literally). It makes me happy.
So then they do a special "drawing" where they choose one Solid Gold student to win the ULTIMATE prize: a $75 Visa Gift Card and some other really special prize.
During this third quarter rally, the name for the Solid Gold winner appeared on the screen, and it was...
Rick Santorum.
Just kidding. It was ME.
So I got my prize all happily, with the non-Solid Golders clapping for me--though I could see in my eyes they were about ready to jump me.
So are you going to get me flowers for Valentine's Day with that $75 gift card? I mean, it's not like you can save that in the bank or anything.